HandleState: {
    DELETED: "deleted";
    IDLE: "idle";
    LOADING: "loading";
    READY: "ready";
    REQUESTING: "requesting";
    UNAVAILABLE: "unavailable";
} = ...

Possible internal states for a DocHandle

Type declaration

  • Readonly DELETED: "deleted"

    The document has been deleted from the repo

  • Readonly IDLE: "idle"

    The handle has been created but not yet loaded or requested

  • Readonly LOADING: "loading"

    We are waiting for storage to finish loading

  • Readonly READY: "ready"

    The document is available

  • Readonly REQUESTING: "requesting"

    We are waiting for someone in the network to respond to a sync request

  • Readonly UNAVAILABLE: "unavailable"

    The document was not available in storage or from any connected peers